Prescott Quakers
An unprogrammed worship group of the Religious Society of Friends, commonly known as Quakers, in Prescott, Arizona
Meeting Time: Sunday, 8:30 AM
885 Sunset Drive, Prescott, AZ 86301
Visitors or prospective visitors should expand the "Welcome to new visitors" box below for what to expect during our worship service.
For additional information send e-mail to
Meeting Location
The Prescott Worship Group meets at 8:30 am every Sunday in the Faith Development Center of Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Church, 885 Sunset Ave., Prescott, AZ. The Faith Development Center is the small building across Sunset Avenue from the main GPUU building on the corner.
Announcements (click to expand)
After meeting at another location for many years, we have recently started meeting at the Faith Development Center across the street from Granite Peak Unitarian Universalist Church. We greatly appreciate GPUU's hospitality!
- Arizona Half-Yearly Meeting (21-23 October, 2022, Emmanuel Pines Camp, Prescott) - download the registration forms below
Registration Form:
Parental and Guardian Consent Form:
Emmanuel Pines Covid Release Form:
Welcome to new visitors - what to expect (click to expand)
Welcome to the Prescott Worship Group of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). We invite you to worship with us in the spirit of expectant silence and through spoken ministry. The basis of Quaker life and practice is a conviction that there is something of the Spirit of God in all of us. Meeting for Worship is one aspect of a discipline and belief which permeates all we do. Sitting quietly in worship, we seek the immediate sense of Divine leading and firsthand knowledge of that Spirit. Quakers believe that there is continuous revelation by God of Truth and Light. The Meeting for Worship should revolve around the efforts of the group to uncover the Light within, to share it, and to live by it.
We call this approach to the Spirit or Inner Light "expectant waiting." We begin this waiting in the Meeting for Worship by stilling our bodies and directing our minds beyond the distraction of the immediate environment. It is not easy to clear our minds of outside concerns. Perhaps a phrase of poetry, a passage from the Bible, or an idea from our reading may serve to focus attention away from crowding thoughts. As we quiet our senses and "center down," we reach a deeper level within ourselves and approach the spiritual center of the Meeting. On this deeper level we may become aware of a clearer relationship to God, a fresh understanding of experience, or awareness of our leadings in obedience to God's will.
Since there is no designated minister, we are all charged with the responsibility for participation. All present are potential ministers. Anyone present may feel moved to speak, to share an insight, to pray, to praise.
Before speaking, one should first sense a leading of the Inner Light, then respond with a brief, simple message. When someone speaks, each of us should listen with an open heart. If a particular message does not "speak to your condition" you can still seek the Spirit behind the words and hold the speaker in love. A further period of expectant waiting and contemplation is appropriate between speakers.
Whether one is moved to speak or to worship in silence, what matters is that each of us sensitive to the inner prompting that should be our guide.
A Meeting for Worship is spontaneous and unplanned. Until we have gathered and settled into the silence as a group, none of us can foresee how this common experience may develop.
No one of us knows in advance what needs or creative power may surface. Each Meeting for Worship is a spiritual adventure. We invite you to share with us.
Quaker Resources (click to expand) - a collection of links to Quaker resources and meetings - Friend's General Conference (an affiliation of Quaker Meetings across North America) - Friends Committee on National Legislation (a Quaker lobbying group) - American Friends Service Committee (a Quaker Social Service Agency)
QuakerSpeak is a project of Friends Journal, in association with Friends General Conference, and Quaker Finder. One of these videos is below. For the most recent releases, please visit the QuakerSpeak site directly.